
From: Arjan van de Ven
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 11:34:57 EST

On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 23:09 +0800, Majumder, Rajib wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 Linux boxes. 1 running RHEL 3, 2.4.21 kernel. Other SLSE 9, 2.6.5 kernel.
> While porting an C++ application from RHEL to SLES we faced some issue and it was resolved when we imported from RHEL and forced the app to reference this on SLES, rather than glibc (which was different ) in /usr/lib. We only ported 1 library.
> In RHEL, gcc was 3.2.3, in SLES it was 3.3.2.
> Is there any risk associated with this?


this is clearly not a kernel question so you're asking on the wrong
list. A RHEL or SLES user list (as they are hosted by Novell / Red Hat)
would be a more appropriate venue, one also where it's more likely to
get a good answer..

Arjan van de Ven

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