Re: A nice CPU resource controller

From: Mike Galbraith
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 13:02:22 EST

On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 10:01 -0600, Chris Friesen wrote:
> Martin Ohlin wrote:
> > Maybe I am wrong, but as I see it, if one wants to control on a group
> > level, then the individual shares within the group are not that
> > important. If the individual share is important, then it should be
> > controlled on a per-task level. Please tell me if I am wrong.
> The individual share within the group may not be important, but the
> relative priority might be.
> We have instances were we would like to express something like:
> --these tasks are all grouped together as "maintenance" tasks, and
> should be guaranteed 3% of the system together
> --within the maintenance tasks, my network heartbeat application is the
> most latency sensitive, so I want it to be higher-priority than the
> other maintenance tasks

The latency issue is hard.

> From my point of view, task group cpu allocation and relative task
> priority should be orthogonal.
> First you pick a task group (based on cpu share, priority, etc.) then
> within the group you pick the task with highest priority.
> This was something that CKRM did right (IMHO).

I'd really like to see what Kiril's suggestion looks like.


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