RE: bogofilter ate 3/5
From: Stuart MacDonald
Date: Thu Sep 07 2006 - 13:33:13 EST
From: Chase Venters [mailto:chase.venters@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> highly ironic that spam blocker services tell you not to use certain
> techniques (autoresponders, bounce messages) that are not only
> commonplace, but precedented and even mandated by RFC on the
> grounds that
> they may cause you to be blocked. Then they move on to
> criticize anti-spam
> techniques that fall in these domains with one of their
> subpoints saying
> 'they can cause you to miss legitimate mail!'
> Guess what: so does indiscriminately blocking people whose
> sites don't bow
> down to your unreasonable demands, especially when their
> behavior (say,
> sending bounce messages) is described in the official protocol
> documentation.
I will assume you are referring to SpamCop. Their service does not
behave the way you think it does:
Read the paragraph: "SpamCop works exactly like the credit reporting
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