Re: Panics on AMD X2/NVidiaMCP55Ultra
From: Tim Okrongli
Date: Thu Sep 07 2006 - 19:40:12 EST
Robert Hancock wrote:
With no symbols in the stack trace this is not very useful. Do you
have CONFIG_KALLSYMS enabled?
Argh, forgot to cc my reply to someone else's question to the ML. The
problem could be traced to a faulty DIMM - by coincidence it was only
used while fscking; even during an attempted kernel rebuild no problems
arose (or rather: make ran into a different problem before it caused
RAM-related problems). That's why it took me so long (more than three
weeks and two mainboards, in fact) to figure out what it was.
For the sake of completeness, I found out when I finally resorted to
installing Windows so I could at least test the GPU and the setup CD
kept bluescreening.
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