Re: [PATCH 2.6.18-rc6-mm1 0/2] cpufreq: make it harder for cpu toleave "hot" mode
From: Andrew Morton
Date: Thu Sep 14 2006 - 17:38:53 EST
On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 23:29:24 -0400
Nick Orlov <bugfixer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was playing with ondemand cpufreq governor (gotta save on electricity
> bills one day :) ) and I've noticed that gameplay become somewhat sluggish.
> Especially noticeble in something cpu-power demanding, like quake4.
> Quick look at stats/trans_table confirmed that CPU goes out of "hot" mode
> way too often.
I won't apply any of this in view of your ongoing discussion with
Venkatesh, but thanks for the ongoing support and help - cpufreq is, shall
we say, a rich source of future kernel improvements.
Next time you prepare a patch series please ensure that it uses a different
Subject: for each patch, as per, section 2.
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