Block information: Changing from GB to GiB

From: Nico Schottelius
Date: Wed Sep 20 2006 - 11:53:49 EST


Would you accept patches, which
a) add printing MiB, GiB, ... ADDITIONALy to MB, GB, ..
b) replace GB with GiB

If so, I would check the kernel source for occurences of those
units and replace the calculation.

Imho, it would be nicer to print GiB only, because it's the more
accurate unit (today).

You can have a look at GiB and co. at wikipedia, if you are not familar
with it:



P.S.: Please CC me on reply.

``...if there's one thing about Linux users, they're do-ers, not whiners.''
(A quotation of Andy Patrizio I completely agree with)

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