Re: PCI bridge missing

From: Luke-Jr
Date: Thu Sep 28 2006 - 20:17:46 EST

On Thursday 28 September 2006 21:39, you wrote:
> Anyway, maybe you haven't cold booted the machine and could try that?

It's been cold-booted a few times, though I can't guarantee that for each
kernel I tried.

On Thursday 28 September 2006 23:14, Alan Cox wrote:
> Ar Iau, 2006-09-28 am 16:24 -0500, ysgrifennodd Luke-Jr:
> > However, this bridge is completely ignored and unseen by Linux. It does
> > not show up in lspci or dmesg (as far as I can tell) at all. The
> > daughterboard is plugged in, and the PCI cards on it are powered.
> lspci -vvxxx would be interesting

Will do tomorrow.

> Linux on PC assumes the BIOS did the work needed

pci=nobios doesn't bypass that assumption? (I tried that too)

> so if there is some custom "enabler" driver in the Windows for it that might
> explain problems.

Some old Debian (2.2) manual at least implied it worked at one point. That's
where I compared the lspci from. So this would be a regression, a hardware
failure, or a misconfiguration.
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