Adam Henley wrote:On 03/10/06, Marc Perkel <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
< ... >
> Ivan - It's not GNU/Linux - it's just LINUX. Time to get the name right.
> RMS doesn't get to rename Linux. Linux isn't going to go away just
> because they fork the license.
Well this *is* the Linux kernel mailing yes, the kernel is
called Linux.
RMS wants to take credit for the parts of your complete operating
system breakfast (including GCC et al.) that were developed by the GNU
project. Whether this is wholly unreasonable or not is an exercise for
the reader.
Most of the GNU utilities were just clones of the work the AT&T did when the C language and the Unix operating system was invented. To clone an existing product is trivial as compared to coming up with the original ideas in the first place. RMS didn't invent C, he cloned it. If anything it should be called AT&T/Linux if you want to give credit to the innovators. RMS is just a middleman in the process.