RE: System hang problem.
From: Alan Cox
Date: Tue Oct 03 2006 - 20:24:17 EST
Ar Maw, 2006-10-03 am 17:07 -0700, ysgrifennodd Manish Neema:
> Thanks Keith for the response.
> My explanation earlier is not clear. The "automount" process dying with
> restrictive overcommit settings is not because of the OOM kill. It looks
> like some bug with "automount" binary itself causing it to exit when it
> could not service a new request.
> "cd /remote/something" when the system is out of (allocate'able) memory
> causes the below events (obtained from /var/log/messages)
> Oct 3 13:35:32 gentoo036 automount[2060]: handle_packet_missing: fork:
> Cannot allocate memory
> Oct 3 13:35:34 gentoo036 automount[2060]: can't unmount /remote
Your kernel is behaving correctly if it does this in mode 2. You need
more memory or to better set resource limits on what is running.
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