Re: It's not GNU/Linux - it's jusy LINUX
From: linux-os \(Dick Johnson\)
Date: Wed Oct 04 2006 - 16:54:02 EST
On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>> "Linux" is an operating system kernel. By itself it is pretty
>> useless.
> I have to object.
> Linux (kernel) plus a static standalone userspace binary -- 'enough' for
> embedded applications. It does not need GNU in it (with the exception
> of the kernel's license, GPL, of course).
Actually, it needs no libraries at all. See attached. It doesn't
even need the 'C' language to perform useful work although I'm sure
you would not want to write a database application in assembly
language. Also, although I used the GNU assembler and Linker, there
are other tools that would work just as well.
>> A thing which is Linux plus lots of libraries and utilities and maybe
>> a windowing system and a "desktop" is a lot more than "Linux".
> -`J'
> --
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version on an i686 machine (5592.72 BogoMips).
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