Re: wpa supplicant/ipw3945, ESSID last char missing
From: Alessandro Suardi
Date: Thu Oct 05 2006 - 11:20:55 EST
On 10/5/06, Jean Tourrilhes <jt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 03:26:09PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> The very fact that this turned into a discussion is a sign that the ABI
> breakage wasn't handled well enough. Usually, when we do something, nobody
> ever even notices.
There was the grand total of *ONE* user who was personally
impacted by the userspace API change (the two other, one was hit by a
bug, now fixed, one was hit because of kernel API change + external
driver). And I immediately proposed to postpone the change to a later
And said user, being me, is currently running with upgraded userspace
without any issues (counting upgrading userspace as a non-issue).
I originally logged my report as I do for other things that break or look
different in new snapshots, in order to provide early feedback to the
kernel developers - I guess it's the actual point of having snapshots
Thanks, ciao,
"Well a man has two reasons for things that he does
the first one is pride and the second one is love
all understandings must come by this way"
(Husker Du, 'She Floated Away')
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