Re: VCD not readable under 2.6.18
From: Alan Cox
Date: Mon Oct 16 2006 - 18:45:57 EST
Ar Llu, 2006-10-16 am 20:53 +0200, ysgrifennodd wixor:
> (kernel is not tained though) - i've tried dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/null
> - that's how i now the first 8 megs work fine. It includes the startup
> messages too. You can see I have reloaded cdrom driver with debug=1
> there, hoping it will expose some usefull info - it seems it didn't
> however.
Multimedia sectors on a VCD are not readable by dd or the filesystem
layer, you must use a specific vcd player app so the dd test fail is
expected. The xine one is more interesting. Is Xine being fooled by the
fact its a multisession disk of some form perhaps >?
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