On 30/10/06, Metathronius Galabant <m.galabant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Ohh and btw, testing the latest -rc (and/or -git snapshot) kernel is
> > Can you identify the latest kernel where it works OK?
> I can't reproduce that behaviour on another SMP machine with the same
> kernel-config for (only storage and network device drivers
> differ).
> The affected one is a production machine I can't use to test, and
> furthermore the only one I've got of that series.
Ok, can you then at least tell us what the latest kernel you have used
that was OK was?
Just to try and narrow things down a bit.
> Has to wait until the weekend. Any remote clue so I know where to look?
Well, with a simple good/bad test case like you have, the obvious
thing to do would be to find a resonably new kernel that's good and
one that's bad and then do a git bisection search to find the exact
commit that broke things for you. Short of that, narrowing it down to
a released version, a -rc or -git snapshot is also good.
You could also start browsing through changelogs looking for changes
to IPC and then try revert patches that look likely. But git bisect
is probably a lot easier.