Re: Strange write errors on FAT32 partition (maybe an FAT32 bug?!)
From: Christoph Anton Mitterer
Date: Thu Nov 09 2006 - 13:33:11 EST
OGAWA Hirofumi wrote:
> Christoph Anton Mitterer <calestyo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> The strange thing is that one time the differences were found directly
>> after copying (thus one would thing RAM is damaged, because the data was
>> probalby (I cannot tell this for sure) taken from file cache).
>> and the other time after restarting with a certainly empty file cache.
>> Any ideas? I'm willing to help debugging and so on but I must admit that
>> I need someone to say me what to do :D
> bit interesting. Could you send the output of diff? I'd like to see
> how it's breaking.
Ok today I have perhaps some more information:
I've copied around 30 GBs from FAT32 to ext3.
I diffed everything,.. differences in one file. I recopied that one
file, rebooted, diffed again differences in another file:
euler:~# diff -q -r /mnt/tmp/CDDA_DATA_1 /mnt/CDDA/EAC_DATA_1 Files
/mnt/tmp/CDDA_DATA_1/LOTR 1/16.01.wav and /mnt/CDDA/EAC_DATA_1/LOTR
1/16.01.wav differ
Than after the complete diff was finished I diffed the single file again
euler:~# diff /mnt/tmp/CDDA_DATA_1/LOTR\ 1/16.01.wav
/mnt/CDDA/EAC_DATA_1/LOTR\ 1/16.01.wav
=> then,.. no differences?!
Am I crazy or what?
Is this know an memory problem? But if so why does memtest give me no
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