Re: Strange write errors on FAT32 partition (maybe an FAT32 bug?!)

From: OGAWA Hirofumi
Date: Thu Nov 09 2006 - 20:50:31 EST

Christoph Anton Mitterer <calestyo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> OGAWA Hirofumi wrote:
>> Christoph Anton Mitterer <calestyo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> The strange thing is that one time the differences were found directly
>>> after copying (thus one would thing RAM is damaged, because the data was
>>> probalby (I cannot tell this for sure) taken from file cache).
>>> and the other time after restarting with a certainly empty file cache.
>>> Any ideas? I'm willing to help debugging and so on but I must admit that
>>> I need someone to say me what to do :D
>> bit interesting. Could you send the output of diff? I'd like to see
>> how it's breaking.
> I have now such a diff,... but where should I send it,.. it's quite big
> (21266 bytes)

I think it's not so big. If you care, please send it to me.
OGAWA Hirofumi <hirofumi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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