Re: [PATCH] Apple Motion Sensor driver

From: Stelian Pop
Date: Mon Nov 13 2006 - 15:56:00 EST

Le lundi 13 novembre 2006 à 19:18 +0100, Johannes Berg a écrit :

> Thing is, there's simply no clear standard for accelerometer input
> devices. If the left side of my input device (read powerbook here) is
> lower, does the mouse cursor 'fall' with gravity, or does it 'float' up?
> Neverball apparently expects it to fall with gravity.

So let's make neverball happy ! Hacker productivity depends on it :)

The latest incarnation of ams I posted somewhere in this thread adds an
invert option like done in hdaps. I haven't switched the data on the Z
axis though, not sure if it makes any sense to do it.

Stelian Pop <stelian@xxxxxxxxxx>

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