Re: [PATCH] PCMCIA identification strings for cards manufactured by Elan
From: Russell King
Date: Mon Nov 20 2006 - 10:30:08 EST
On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 02:23:02PM +0000, Tony Olech wrote:
> Hi,
> The strings came from our company product database.
> I do not have the time to track down examples of each
> varient, but here are the two I have been testing with:
> Socket 0:
> product info: "Elan", "Serial+Parallel Port: SP230", "1.00",
> "KIT:K51477-006 "
> manfid: 0x015d, 0x4c45
> function: 2 (serial)
> Socket 1:
> product info: "Elan", "Serial Port: SL332", "1.01", "KIT:K51520-027
> "
> manfid: 0x015d, 0x4c45
> function: 2 (serial)
> AND NO, matching on function ID just randomly locked up the
> kernel, but now I think that was because of the "pdaudiocf"
> module and its MANF_ID/CARD_ID number matching.
The obvious question is - if you only remove the IDs from pdaudiocf, does
it then work?
Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of: 2.6 Serial core
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