Re: [patch] pipe: Don't oops when pipe filesystem isn't mounted

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Mon Dec 11 2006 - 10:45:36 EST

On Mon, 11 Dec 2006, Chuck Ebbert wrote:
> Prevent oops when an app tries to create a pipe while pipefs
> is not mounted.

Have you actually seen this, or is this just from looking at code?

Quite frankly, if "pipe_mnt" is ever NULL, we're dead for lots of other

In fact, pipe_mnt can't be NULL. The way it is initialized is:

pipe_mnt = kern_mount(&pipe_fs_type);

and pipe_mnt doesn't even return NULL - it returns an error pointer, so if
"kern_mount()" were to have failed, pipe_mnt will be some random invalid
pointer that could only be tested with IS_ERR(), not by comparing against

But more fundamentally - we might as well oops. We need to panic or oops
or do _something_ bad at some point anyway, because it's MUCH better to
fail spectacularly than it would be to just silently fail without a pipe.


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