Re: Linux 2.6.20-rc1

From: Gene Heskett
Date: Wed Dec 13 2006 - 22:33:12 EST

On Wednesday 13 December 2006 21:06, Linus Torvalds wrote:
>Ok, the two-week merge period is over, and -rc1 is out there.
Ok, one not so silly Q (IMO) from the resident old fart. I saw, sometime
in the past week, a relatively huge ieee1394 update go by. And I have
some issues with the present 2.6.19 version causeing segfaults and kino
go-aways when trying to capture from my firewire movie camera. Problems
occur when trying to control the camera from kino.

Is this patchset in this -rc1? If it is, I'll see if I can get a build to
work and check it out.


Cheers, Gene
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