Re: GPL only modules [was Re: [GIT PATCH] more Driver core patchesfor 2.6.19]

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 19:25:48 EST

On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, karderio wrote:
> If the "free software community" has the clout to twist vendor's arms to
> get them release driver source, then I'm all for it.

I don't care what you're for, or what your imaginary "free software
community" is for.

We're "open source", and we're not a religion. We don't "twist peoples
arms". We show people what we think is a better way, and we let them
participate. We don't force it, we don't twist it, and it's ok not to
believe in the GPL or our ideals. In fact, "our ideals" aren't even one
unified thing to begin with.

We also don't try to pervert copyright into a "you have to _use_ things
in a certain way". We don't think "fair use" is a bad thing. We encourage
it, and that means that we have to abide by it ourselves. It means, most
particularly, that even people we disagree with have that right of "fair

That, btw, is what "freedom" and "rights" are all about. It's obly
meaningful when you grant those rights to people you don't agree with.

Also, since you haven't apparently gotten the memo yet, let me point it
out to you: the end results don't justify the means, and never did. So
arm-twisting doesn't become good just because you think the end result
might be worth it. It's still bad.

And btw, that "information freedom" thing you talked about is just so much
blather and idiotic hogwash. "Information" doesn't want to be free, nor is
it somethign you should fight for or necessarily even encourage.

It doesn't hold a candle to _peoples_ freedom, the foremost of which is to
just disagree with you. Once you allow people to talk and do what they
want, that "information freedom" will follow.

It's not a religion, and it's not about suppressing other people and other

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