Re: evading ulimits
From: John Richard Moser
Date: Sun Dec 24 2006 - 02:55:36 EST
Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 19:42:10 EST, John Richard Moser said:
>> Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>>> I've set up some stuff on my box where /etc/security/limits.conf
>>>> contains the following:
>>>> @users soft nproc 3072
>>>> @users hard nproc 4096
>>>> I'm in group users, and a simple fork bomb is easily quashed by this:
>>>> bluefox@icebox:~$ :(){ :|:; };:
>>>> bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>>>> Terminated
>>>> Oddly enough, trying this again and again yields the same results; but,
>>>> I can kill the box (eventually; about 1 minute in I managed to `/exec
>>>> killall -9 bash` from x-chat, since I couldn't get a new shell open)
>>>> with the below:
>>> Note that trying to kill all shells is a race between killing them all firs
> t
>>> and them spawning new ones everytime. To stop fork bombs, use killall -STOP
>>> first, then kill them.
>> Yes I know; the point, though, is that they should die automatically
>> when the process count hits 4096. They do with the first fork bomb;
>> they keep growing with the second, well past what they should.
> This may be another timing issue - note that in the first case, you have :|:
> which forks off 2 processes with a pipe in between. If the head process fails,
> the second probably won't get started by the shell *either*. In the second
> case, you launch *3*, and it's possible that the head process will start and
> live long enough to re-fork before a later one in the pipe gets killed.
> Does the behavior change if you use 4095 or 4097 rather than 4096? I'm
> willing to bet that your system exhibits semi-predictable behavior regarding
> the order the processes get created, and *which* process gets killed makes
> a difference regarding how fast the process tree gets pruned.
I will test this later (sleeping now)
> Do you have any good evidence that the second version manages to create much
> more than 4096 processes, rather than just being more exuberant about doing so?
> I'm guessing that in fact, in both cases the number of processes ends up
> pseudorandomly oscillating in the 4090-4906 range, but the exact order of
> operations makes the rate and impact different in the two cases.
I haven't gathered evidence; I rather look for evidence that fork() is
failing, like bash complaints. I get those in abundance in the first
case; but see none in the second case.
Trying again, I can't reproduce the phenomena. It crashes out in 3
seconds. Either just weird that it ran for so long last time before I
had to manually kill it off; or a race. I don't have sufficient data to
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