Re: Binary Drivers
From: Martin Knoblauch
Date: Tue Dec 26 2006 - 06:20:58 EST
On 12/25/06, David Schwartz <davids@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If I bought the car from the manufacturer, it also must
> include any rights the manufacturer might have to the car's use.
> That includes using the car to violate emission control measures.
> If I didn't buy the right to use the car that way (insofar as
> that right was owned by the car manufacturer), I didn't
> buy the whole care -- just *some* of the rights to use it.
just to be dense - what makes you think that the car manufacturer has
any legal right to violate emission control measures? What an utter
nonsense (sorry).
So, lets stop the stupid car comparisons. They are no being funny any
Martin Knoblauch
email: k n o b i AT knobisoft DOT de
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