Randy Dunlap wrote:
BTW, yesterday my 2.4 patches were not published, but I noticed thatThe script that deals with the uploads also deals with the packaging -
they were not even signed not bziped on hera. At first I simply thought
it was related, but right now I have a doubt. Maybe the automatic script
has been temporarily been disabled on hera too ?
so yes the problem is related.
and with the finger_banner and version info on www.kernel.org page?
Yes, they're all connected.
The load on *both* machines were up above the 300s yesterday, probably due to the release of a new Knoppix DVD.
The most fundamental problem seems to be that I can't tell currnt Linux kernels that the dcache/icache is precious, and that it's way too eager to dump dcache and icache in favour of data blocks. If I could do that, this problem would be much, much smaller.