trouble loading self compiled vanilla kernel
From: Jonas Svensson
Date: Mon Jan 08 2007 - 05:26:13 EST
I have trouble booting a kernel I have compiled myself. I have changed
from FedoraCore 2 to CentOS 4.4 and is trying to compile my own kernel. In
FC2 I were able to compile and boot a custom kernel and this system boots
fine with the kernel supplied by CentOS. I want to compile my own to get
support for second head on Matrox G400DH (for tv out) and Hauppauge PVR150
(tv in). I downloaded kernel from and compiled it like
make mrproper, make menuconfig, make, make modules_install, make install.
I also tried doing make oldconfig using config from kernel supplied with
centos, also make default config and a kernel without modules support. I
even reinstalled CentOS 4.4 tried compiling the kernel first thing, to
make sure I did not mess up anything with alternative packages before.
All results in the same problem: the booting stops about when grub is
finished and the kernel should continue. I get the
message about loading initrd but not the line of "Uncompressing
Linux... Ok, booting the kernel". Instead I get a blank screen with a
flashing cursor at top left. Thats all, nothing more happens. Any
suggestions on what could be wrong or what I should do?
Hardware: Asus P3B-F (motherboard), Celeron 1.1GHz, Matrox G400DH and so
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