Re: O_DIRECT question
From: linux-os \(Dick Johnson\)
Date: Thu Jan 11 2007 - 07:35:43 EST
On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Aubrey wrote:
> Hi all,
> Opening file with O_DIRECT flag can do the un-buffered read/write access.
> So if I need un-buffered access, I have to change all of my
> applications to add this flag. What's more, Some scripts like "cp
> oldfile newfile" still use pagecache and buffer.
> Now, my question is, is there a existing way to mount a filesystem
> with O_DIRECT flag? so that I don't need to change anything in my
> system. If there is no option so far, What is the right way to achieve
> my purpose?
> Thanks a lot.
> -Aubrey
> -
I don't think O_DIRECT ever did what a lot of folks expect, i.e.,
write this buffer of data to the physical device _now_. All I/O
ends up being buffered. The `man` page states that the I/O will
be synchronous, that at the conclusion of the call, data will have
been transferred. However, the data written probably will not be
in the physical device, perhaps only in a DMA-able buffer with
a promise to get it to the SCSI device, soon.
Maybe you need to say why you want to use O_DIRECT with its terrible
Dick Johnson
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