Re: Weird harddisk behaviour

From: Turbo Fredriksson
Date: Sat Jan 20 2007 - 15:09:44 EST

when there is no longer anything to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 20:58:17 +0100
In-Reply-To: <20070118001838.GA340@deepthought> (Ken Moffat's message of
"Thu, 18 Jan 2007 00:18:38 +0000")
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Quoting Ken Moffat <zarniwhoop@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> So, you were using a valid tool, but what you put in your original
> mail shows garbage - something like apple_partition_ma[mamama...

That's what fdisk showed me. I don't have a true UTF-8 system, so when
cutting-and-pasing between the shell and mail app, it might have been
distorted. But the output WAS weird!

> But if it isn't, somehow the data on the disk (or the data being
> read from it) is corrupt.

So how come it got corrupt? I did a 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb' (and
waited for the whole disk to be zeroed - took HOURS! :). Then partitioned
the disk and cut-and-pasted the output into the mail...

EVERY time I check the partition table (using mac-fdisk and not cfdisk),
that destorted output is shown. It's not distorted/corrupt if I use
cfdisk though...

Since I don't exactly know how to do all this with the tools in Linux,
I took the disk to my girlfriends WinXP and is currently using
'OnTrack EasyRecorvery Professional - ERP' to do scanns and tests of
the disk.

I tried parition and format it there to, but the format failed (no reason
why). I'm currently running the extended S.M.A.R.T. test. And there where
other tests I could do to... I'll let you know.
One weird thing though... ERP only found it as a 137Mb disk! It's supposed
to be a 400Gb...
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