Re: PROBLEM: KB->KiB, MB -> MiB, ... (IEC 60027-2)

From: Heikki Orsila
Date: Sun Jan 21 2007 - 10:33:49 EST

On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 11:40:40AM +0100, Bodo Eggert wrote:
> 1) This change isn't nescensary - any sane person will know that it's not a
> SI unit. You wouldn't talk about megabananas == 1000000 bananas and
> expect to be taken seriously.

I've met quite a few non-sane persons then. I find using kilo, mega and
giga prefixes convenient to use. For example, I often use GEUR to refer
to Giga Euros, because the word billion is overloaded.

> 2) No sane person would say kibibyte as required by the standard. You'd need
> a sppech defect in order to do this, and a mental defect in order to try.
> So why should anybody adhere to the rest of this bullshit?

I think I'm not sane then. I find it easy to use and pronounce.

IEC 60027-2 is a great standard! It removes some annoying ambiquity in
speech and text. Adhering strictly to proper SI units (k, M, G, ...)
makes life easier as they are taught in school to everyone.

Heikki Orsila Barbie's law:
heikki.orsila@xxxxxx "Math is hard, let's go shopping!"
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