Re: [ANNOUNCE] System Inactivity Monitor v1.0

From: Scott Preece
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 11:03:28 EST

On 1/25/07, Alessandro Di Marco <dmr@xxxxxx> wrote:
"Scott Preece" <sepreece@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

On 1/25/07, Bodo Eggert <7eggert@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Imagine one computer serving two users. Two monitors, two keyboards ...

Good point! Of late I've been working on single-user systems, so it
was not at the front of my brain, despite years of building and using
multi-user systems.

It's a point that multi-user systems have struggled with forever (when
somebody inserts a CR in the drive mounted in the system box, which user do
you pop up a media player for?).

sed s/user X's screensaver/suspend to disk/g <<EOF

I tend to think it's not a kernel-vs-user-space issue, though. To
solve it you need, somewhere, a notion of a "user session" and you
need some way to separate system-level issues (like low-battery) from
user-level issues (like activiating user X's screensaver).


Are you sure?

Well, a screensaver is associated with a particular user (and screen),
but suspend-to-disk is a system-wide activity that would affect all
the users. So you need to be able to separate those notions in
deciding what actions to take.

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