2.6.20-rc6: known unfixed regressions (part 1)
From: Adrian Bunk
Date: Fri Jan 26 2007 - 13:10:57 EST
This email lists some known regressions in 2.6.20-rc6 compared to 2.6.19
that are not yet fixed in Linus' tree.
If you find your name in the Cc header, you are either submitter of one
of the bugs, maintainer of an affectected subsystem or driver, a patch
of you caused a breakage or I'm considering you in any other way possibly
involved with one or more of these issues.
Due to the huge amount of recipients, please trim the Cc when answering.
Subject : NULL pointer dereference at as_move_to_dispatch()
References : http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/1/22/141
Submitter : Andrew Vasquez <andrew.vasquez@xxxxxxxxxx>
Status : unknown
Subject : raid1: copying a big file triggers OOM killer
References : http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/1/20/69
Submitter : Justin Piszcz <jpiszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Handled-By : Jens Axboe <jens.axboe@xxxxxxxxxx>
Status : problem is being debugged
Subject : ext3 with data=journal hangs when running fsx-linux since -rc2
References : http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7844
Submitter : Randy Dunlap <rdunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Handled-By : Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Randy Dunlap <rdunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxx>
Status : problem is being debugged
Subject : reboot instead of powerdown (CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND)
References : http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/12/25/40
Submitter : Berthold Cogel <cogel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
FranÃois Valenduc <francois.valenduc@xxxxxxxxx>
Handled-By : Alan Stern <stern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Status : problem is being debugged
Subject : usb somehow broken (CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND)
References : http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/1/11/146
Submitter : Prakash Punnoor <prakash@xxxxxxxxxx>
Handled-By : Oliver Neukum <oliver@xxxxxxxxxx>
Alan Stern <stern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Status : problem is being debugged
Subject : fix geode_configure()
References : http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/1/9/216
Submitter : Lennart Sorensen <lsorense@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Caused-By : takada <takada@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
commit e4f0ae0ea63caceff37a13f281a72652b7ea71ba
Handled-By : takada <takada@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Lennart Sorensen <lsorense@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Status : patches are being discussed
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