RE: [Ksummit-2006-discuss] 2007 Linux Kernel Summit
From: Luck, Tony
Date: Fri Jan 26 2007 - 18:17:43 EST
> Long term it may make sense for us to give ourselves plenty of
> planning slop of more like 24 months, so if one location doesn't work
> out we have time to work out another one.
That looks way too conservative. If kernel summit had 500+ attendees, I
can see why you'd need a such long lead time. But at around 80 people we
fit into a middle sized meeting room at any hotel with conference facilities.
Booking something that size doesn't need two years notice (unless you
happen to conflict with some other huge event in the same city).
Plus if a local team is going to flake on you, chances are high that you
won't find out until <6 months before the event ... so the 2 year plan
wouldn't help at all.
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