Re: [SCRIPT] Remove "space damage" from patches

From: Richard Knutsson
Date: Sun Jan 28 2007 - 21:01:12 EST

Oleg Verych wrote:
On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 02:26:04AM +0100, Richard Knutsson wrote:
I also guess you saw that the script is _not_ for cleaning up source-files (can be intrusive and is better to be fixed when fixing something else), but patches.

IMHO it's dealing with consequences, not cause, and it's even worse.
How many patches is not to fix bugs, it is worse then some strayed whitespace but it is due to reality.
The best is, of course, if neither happened but the next best thing is to fix it. And if it can be automated, even better (imho).
So if a maintainer does not have anything to easily fix those, they
might want a simple script to do the work (otherwise I believe they
just deleted my mail ;) ).

I would like to discuss, would you?
I like to discuss but I am not sure what the result would be. Force people to use the editors of our choice?
As long people uses valid e-mail-clients when sending patches (or they use the script "sendpatchset"), I'm think we have to be satisfied.
But if you have any ideas, I'm listening.

Richard Knutsson

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