Re: [PATCH 0 of 4] Generic AIO by scheduling stacks

From: Zach Brown
Date: Wed Jan 31 2007 - 15:42:14 EST

Take FPU state: memory copies and RAID xor functions use MMX/SSE and
require that the full task state be saved and restored.

Sure, that much is obvious. I was hoping to see what FPU state juggling actually requires. I'm operating under the assumption that it won't be *terrible*.

Task priority is another. POSIX AIO lets you specify request priority, and
it really is needed for realtime workloads where things like keepalive
must be processed at a higher priority.

Yeah. A first-pass approximation might be to have threads with asys system calls grouped by priority. Leaving all that priority handling to the *task* scheduler, instead of the dirt-stupid fibril "scheduler", would be great. If we can get away with it. I don't have a good feeling for what portion of the world actually cares about this, or to what degree.

- z
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