Re: O_NONBLOCK setting "leak" outside of a process??

From: Roland Kuhn
Date: Fri Feb 02 2007 - 10:05:12 EST

Hi Guillaume!

On 2 Feb 2007, at 14:48, Guillaume Chazarain wrote:

2007/2/2, Roland Kuhn <rkuhn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

That's a bug, right?

No, if you want something like: (echo toto; date; echo titi) > file
to work in your shell, you'll be happy to have the seek position
shared in the processes.

As a naive user I'd probably expect that each of the above adds to the output, which perfectly fits the O_APPEND flag (to be set by the shell, of course).

The immediate point was about the flags, though, and having O_NONBLOCK on or off certainly is a _design_ choice when writing a program. If I remove O_NONBLOCK, I have a right to expect that I/O functions do not return EAGAIN!


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