Re: [linux-cifs-client] Re: SMB support still missing?
From: Christopher R. Hertel
Date: Thu Feb 08 2007 - 19:30:16 EST
Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried the various suggestions from the last mails, but nothing of
> that worked. --verbose did not return anything useful. It's the kernel
> module that returns -EHOSTDOWN.
> ...
> Eventually I found out that this one works:
> mount.cifs //cl0/c /mnt -o servernetbiosname=CL0
> So what did I change? Casing. Note that "CL0" is entirely uppercase.
> Although strange, it actually coincides with how LANMAN works.
> Everything is uppercased in lanman, hostnames, usernames, heck, even
> plaintext passwords (samba-smbd has a good time trying a ton of
> combinations in such setups).
> No other options like sec=none or thelike were needed. Login as
> anonymous worked directly.
> Please consider updating the cifs kernel module to account for the LM
> oddity of uppercasing things. (Then, smbfs can finally be ripped out I
> hope.)
...assuming that's really the problem.
It does seem to me that it is some sort of name resolution issue, but it may
have more to do with the multi-homed nature of your setup.
Did you try:
mount.cifs //CL0/c /mnt
If mount.cifs is not converting the case, that should fix the problem.
Curious to know...
Chris -)-----
"Implementing CIFS - the Common Internet FileSystem" ISBN: 013047116X
Samba Team -- -)----- Christopher R. Hertel
jCIFS Team -- -)----- ubiqx development, uninq.
ubiqx Team -- -)----- crh@xxxxxxxxxxxx
OnLineBook -- -)----- crh@xxxxxxxxx
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