Re: force insmod on 2.6
From: Rusty Russell
Date: Sat Feb 10 2007 - 05:19:40 EST
On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 12:27 -0500, Leisner, Martin wrote:
> I had modules which were compiled with another kernel version string
> (same kernel though).
> In 2.4, you could do a force in the modules.conf files or in the insmod
> command line.
> The current insmod doesn't have a force option.
> Modprobe CAN force, but the modules has to be in the modules tree (i.e.
> not arbitrary places on the
> file system)
> Is there a way to force load a module at an arbitrary location?
> This is very handy for development (not production).
Sure, you simply remove the information from the module, then the kernel
will load it. To strip modversions, remove the __versions section. To
strip the version magic, it's easiest to remove the entire .modinfo
section. You can use objcopy for this...
Hope that helps!
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