Re: SATA-performance: Linux vs. FreeBSD
From: Martin A. Fink
Date: Tue Feb 13 2007 - 04:25:36 EST
Am Dienstag, 13. Februar 2007 00:31 schrieben Sie:
> Martin A. Fink wrote:
> > I have to store big amounts of data coming from 2 digital cameras to disk.
> > Thus I have to write blocks of around 1 MB at 30 to 50 frames per second
> > a long period of time. So it is important for me that the harddisk drive
> > reliable in the sense of "if it is capable of 50 MB/s then it should
> > at this speed. Constantly."
> The good old handful of suggestions:
> - Use a dedicated disc for the task.
I used a dedicated disk for this task. No one else besides the task is writing
to it!
> - Use an empty disc so there is no fragmentation.
All tests were performed on empty disk!
> - Buy a bigger disk, they have high bandwidths.
I have a flash disk from a manufacturer who grants me 48 MB/s. And FreeBSD as
well as Windows reach this value. Only Linux 2.6.18 is far away from it (42
> - Buy a more "specialized" disc.
see above
> for e.x.: Western Digital Raptor X(*) a 150GB, 10-KRPM S-ATA disc.
> - Buy several discs and use RAID 0
> or alternate between discs when writing.
What I have to build is an application for the International Space Station
ISS. I am limited with power and space. So If the disk is able to write
constantly 48 MB/s then the Operating System should do this!
> - use XFS. AFAIK XFS has about the best "large file" and "high
> bandwidth" characteristics.
> - that with XFS you can preallocate the files doesn't seem relevant in
> this case. It's more for the case that you write several files
> simultaneously over a longer period of time.
> - Write to one large file and separate the individual files later.
> if you are sure that you don't get a power-failure:
> - Disable Write-Barriers, especially on a logging-filesystem.
> - Enable write-caching.
> (hdparm doesn't appear to be able to do that with a SATA-disc, but
> blktool appears to be able to)
> The later has a good chance of corrupting your filesystem when you do
> get a power-failure!!!
> *:
> I don't think you want something from the server-line,
> SCSI/FibreChannel/...?
> IIRC i read a something about the first 100MB/s disc with in the 15-KRPM
> league.
Power consumption! See above.
> Bis denn
The problem is: FreeBSD is fast, but lacks of some special drivers. Linux has
all drivers but access to harddisk is unpredictable and thus unreliable!
What can I do??
> --
> Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as
> bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
> wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated,
> cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.
Dipl. Physiker
Martin Anton Fink
Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics
85741 Garching
Tel. +49-(0)89-30000-3645
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