Re: all syscalls initially taking 4usec on a P4? Re: nonblocking UDPv4 recvfrom() taking 4usec @ 3GHz?

From: bert hubert
Date: Tue Feb 20 2007 - 12:03:11 EST

On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 07:41:25PM +0300, Evgeniy Polyakov wrote:

> It can be recvfrom only problem - syscall overhead on my p4 (core duo,
> debian testing) is bout 300 usec - to test I ran read('dev/zero', &data,
> 0) in a loop.

nsec I assume?

The usec numbers for read(fd, &c, 0) where fd is /dev/zero:
1.557667, 0.627667, 0.447333, 0.440000, 0.440000, 0.440000, 0.442333,
0.440000, 0.440000, 0.442333, 0.442333, 0.440000, 0.440000, 0.442333,
0.442667, 0.440000, 0.440000, 0.440000, 0.442333, 0.442667,

In usecs. Notice the same declining figure, but not as pronounced. With a
sleep(1) in between, we get:
1.692667, 1.800000, 0.782667, 1.282667, 0.665000, 0.980000, 0.925000,
0.887667, 0.662667, 0.862667, 1.077333, 1.442333, 0.660000, 1.890000,
0.672333, 0.795000, 0.647667, 0.692333, 0.750000, 0.865000,

This doesn't look all that unhealthy.

> Could you try to hack recvfrom() for your socket to always copy some
> empty buffer and check the results without waiting for packet?

That might be out of my reach before tomorrow :-)

> If you are not hurry I can test it myself tomorrow.

Thanks. My major problem is that in my measurements, I quite often see the
'worst case' 4usec result. It would not be a problem if it happens only
once, of course.


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