Re: [ANNOUNCE] DualFS: File System with Meta-data and Data Separation
From: Juan Piernas Canovas
Date: Sat Feb 24 2007 - 21:42:32 EST
Hi Jörn,
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, [utf-8] Jörn Engel wrote:
On Thu, 22 February 2007 20:57:12 +0100, Juan Piernas Canovas wrote:
I do not agree with this picture, because it does not show that all the
indirect blocks which point to a direct block are along with it in the
same segment. That figure should look like:
Segment 1: [some data] [ DA D1' D2' ] [more data]
Segment 2: [some data] [ D0 D1' D2' ] [more data]
Segment 3: [some data] [ DB D1 D2 ] [more data]
where D0, DA, and DB are datablocks, D1 and D2 indirect blocks which
point to the datablocks, and D1' and D2' obsolete copies of those
indirect blocks. By using this figure, is is clear that if you need to
move D0 to clean the segment 2, you will need only one free segment at
most, and not more. You will get:
Segment 1: [some data] [ DA D1' D2' ] [more data]
Segment 2: [ free ]
Segment 3: [some data] [ DB D1' D2' ] [more data]
Segment n: [ D0 D1 D2 ] [ empty ]
That is, D0 needs in the new segment the same space that it needs in the
previous one.
The differences are subtle but important.
Ah, now I see. Yes, that is deadlock-free. If you are not accounting
the bytes of used space but the number of used segments, and you count
each partially used segment the same as a 100% used segment, there is no
Some people may consider this to be cheating, however. It will cause
more than 50% wasted space. All obsolete copies are garbage, after all.
With a maximum tree height of N, you can have up to (N-1) / N of your
filesystem occupied by garbage.
I do not agree. Fortunately, the greatest part of the files are written at
once, so what you usually have is:
Segment 1: [ data ]
Segment 2: [some data] [ D0 DA DB D1 D2 ] [more data]
Segment 3: [ data ]
On the other hand, the DualFS cleaner tries to clean several segments
everytime it runs. Therefore, if you have the following case:
Segment 1: [some data] [ DA D1' D2' ] [more data]
Segment 2: [some data] [ D0 D1' D2' ] [more data]
Segment 3: [some data] [ DB D1' D2' ] [more data]
after cleaning, you can have this one:
Segment 3: [ free ]
Segment 3: [ free ]
Segment 3: [ free ]
Segment i: [D0 DA DB D1 D2 ] [ more data ]
Moreover, if the cleaner starts running when the free space drops below a
specific threshold, it is very difficult to waste more than 50% of disk
space, specially with meta-data (actually, I am unable to imagine that
situation :).
Another downside is that with large amounts of garbage between otherwise
useful data, your disk cache hit rate goes down. Read performance is
suffering. But that may be a fair tradeoff and will only show up in
large metadata reads in the uncached (per Linux) case. Seems fair.
Well, our experimental results say another thing. As I have said, the
greatest part of the files are written at once, so their meta-data blocks
are together on disk. This allows DualFS to implement an explicit
prefetching of meta-data blocks which is quite effective, specially when
there are several processes reading from disk at the same time.
On the other hand, DualFS also implements an on-line meta-data relocation
mechanism which can help to improve meta-data prefetching, and garbage
Obviously, there can be some slow-growing files that can produce some
garbage, but they do not hurt the overall performance of the file system.
Quite interesting, actually. The costs of your design are disk space,
depending on the amount and depth of your metadata, and metadata read
performance. Disk space is cheap and metadata reads tend to be slow for
most filesystems, in comparison to data reads. You gain faster metadata
writes and loss of journal overhead. I like the idea.
Yeah :) If you have taken a look to my presentation at LFS07, the disk
traffic of meta-data blocks is dominated by writes.
D. Juan Piernas Cánovas
Departamento de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores
Facultad de Informática. Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo - 30080 Murcia (SPAIN)
Tel.: +34968367657 Fax: +34968364151
email: piernas@xxxxxxxxxxx
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