Re: 2.6.20-ck1
From: Con Kolivas
Date: Sun Feb 25 2007 - 05:46:52 EST
On Sunday 25 February 2007 15:34, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I have a problem, Con. The patch itself works fine for me, BUT it doesn't
> update the version.h available in
> /lib/modules/2.6.20-ck1/source/include/linux to include the -ck1 in the
> reported kernel version when trying to build an fglrx driver with the
> latest ati driver builder.
> Which leaves this error message in /usr/share/fglrx/flgrx-install.log:
> [root@coyote fglrx]# cat fglrx-install.log
> [Message] Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.
> [Message] Kernel Module : Precompiled kernel module version mismatched.
> [Message] Kernel Module : Found kernel module build environment,
> generating kernel module now.
> ATI module generator V 2.0
> ==========================
> initializing...
> Error:
> kernel includes at /lib/modules/2.6.20-ck1/build/include do not match
> current kernel.
> they are versioned as ""
> instead of "2.6.20-ck1".
> you might need to adjust your symlinks:
> - /usr/include
> - /usr/src/linux
> [Error] Kernel Module : Failed to compile kernel module - please consult
> readme.
> ==========================
> Unforch, the installer does not leave a readme behind that I've been able
> to find, nor does it report the error on-screen.
> The above files are not simlinks here on this FC6 install. And of
> course /usr/src/linux does not exist allthough I could set it up for the
> duration of a rebuild/reinstall cycle of my script.
> Can we have a patch to address this? Or should I just hardcode it since
> it will never be linked to any other later kernel?
> I tried that in the src tree's include/linux/version.h, but it was
> refreshed back to the original regex code by the make, so that's not
> where to do it obviously. I've also made the simlink in /usr/src, but
> since a kernel make re-writes version.h, that didn't help.
> Whats next?
I've never heard of this problem before. As far as I'm aware the EXTRAVERSION
usually is not included in version.h so it seems to be a limitation of the
flgrx installer? That would mean the flgrx installer wouldn't work on any
kernel with an extra version such as the -rc releases of mainline even. So
I'm sorry but I don't really know what to do about this problem.
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