Re: [patch 0/2] semaphores: add down_interruptible_timeout() andasm-generic/semaphore.h
From: Alan
Date: Mon Feb 26 2007 - 20:15:36 EST
> Yeah, I need semaphore. This is a hw register that says when the hw
> is ready to accept a new command. Code that wants to send commands has
> to down the semaphore and then send it. When hw is ready to get a new
> command, it sends and IRQ and the IRQ up()s the semaphore.
So you need a mutex not a semaphore
> Now, we don't want to hang on that down() forever if the hw spaces out.
> If we get a timeout, we can try recovery actions (like resetting it,
> for sake of being polite).
Makes sense but you can also do that with mutexes, and its
mutex_interruptible_timeout() you need I suspect ?
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