License violation?

From: Jiri Slaby
Date: Thu Mar 01 2007 - 19:13:14 EST


I have a GPL driver (written by me) with workarounds, since I hadn't know-how, when I wrote it. Now I've got 2.4 proprietary driver from the vendor. Is use of the 2.4 driver know-how OK? (And could be such driver merged?)

These are lines from the proprietary driver:

This source file is provided as part of the SensAble
Technologies PDD/GHOST Software Development Toolkit in
order to facilitate the use of PCI-based PHANToM haptic
interface devices across various Linux kernel revisions.
It is meant to be recompiled without modification. It
should NOT be modified in any way. Any modification of
this source code will void any and all software and/or
hardware warranties and maintenance agreements with
SensAble Technologies or its assignees. Furthermore,
modification of this source file may result in the damage
or failure of the user's hardware. SensAble Technologies
and its assignees assume no responsibility for any damage
or injury resulting from the modification of this file.

It's obvious, that if somebody was using the GPL driver, he'll lost warranty et al. (But this is not the question.)

-- Jiri Slaby
faculty of informatics, masaryk university, brno, cz
e-mail: jirislaby gmail com, gpg pubkey fingerprint:
B674 9967 0407 CE62 ACC8 22A0 32CC 55C3 39D4 7A7E

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