Re: question about periodic clocks

From: Thomas Gleixner
Date: Sat Mar 10 2007 - 03:34:57 EST

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 15:26 -0800, Jeremy Fitzhardinge wrote:
> How does the clock period get set on periodic timers? In my clock
> driver, I'm seeing a call to ->set_mode(CLOCK_EVT_MODE_PERIODIC, evt),
> but then... nothing. I was expecting a call to set_next_event to set
> the timer period.

Good point. I never thought about that and we set the period in the
clock event device itself. You are right, the clockevents layer should
hand over the period either with the set_mode call or seperately.
Probably with the set_mode call, as it is needed exactly there and we
don't want to have a "if (dev->mode == XXX)" check in set_next_event().

I look into this.



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