Re: libata reports bogus addresses for everything (was PATA_PCMCIA cmd port)
From: Tejun Heo
Date: Sun Mar 18 2007 - 01:48:56 EST
Alan Cox wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 22:00:50 +0900
> Komuro <komurojun-mbn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The pata_pcmcia driver reports the cmd port is 0x00010100,
>> but actually the cmd port is 0x0100.
>> Is this corect?
> When the pci_iomap patches were applied the ports reported for every
> device went strange. It appears to display the wrong information
> nowdays. I see the same but I've got many more important things to work
> on before I even bother to look at it.
> My guess is someone is now printing the iomap virtual addresses not the
> bus ones.
Yes, we're printing the ioaddr.* directly and those are all iomapped
addressed now. I wonder whether we should fix this or push the port
printing to LLDs (with sff helpers in libata-sff). ahci and
pata_generic sharing one format doesn't sound like a too good idea.
I'll fix it after new init model.
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