Re: Student Project Ideas
From: Ahmed S. Darwish
Date: Thu Mar 29 2007 - 16:45:37 EST
On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 05:04:08AM -0500, Russ Meyerriecks wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been hacking on the Linux kernel all semester for my OS:
> Internals class. We are given full autonomy in picking our final
> programming project and I would love for mine to be /useful/ for the
> Linux kernel and not just a theoretical exorcise. If anybody has any
> bug fixes or features maybe they never got around to, and would be
> suitable for this situation, I would love to hear about them.
I'm a college student too and I wished a wish like that in the past. After
watching the development process for a while, I realized that somehow
a college final project won't fit with the linux kernel project.
Everything here is done by _evolution_ not a revolution, you'll even see the
highest matured programmers in this project send little patches day by day.
And the problem that you can't meet your PH.D and tell him/her: hey, I have
a patch or two, they simply don't understand that ;).
Second, I think it's very hard to make a considerable project in the kernel
without doing some little patches here and there at first. Google for kernel
newbies and kernel janitors.
Ahmed S. Darwish
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