Re: Ten percent test
From: Con Kolivas
Date: Fri Apr 06 2007 - 05:29:41 EST
On Friday 06 April 2007 19:07, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 11:03 +1000, Con Kolivas wrote:
> > On Thursday 05 April 2007 21:54, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> > > - fiftyp.c: noticeable, but alot better than previously!
> >
> > fiftyp.c seems to have been stumbled across by accident as having an
> > effect when Xenofon was trying to recreate Mike's 50% x 3 test case. I
> > suggest a ten percent version like the following would be more useful as
> > a test for the harmful effect discovered in fiftyp.c. (/me throws in
> > obligatory code style change).
> >
> > Starts 15 processes that sleep ten times longer than they run. Change
> > forks to 15 times the number of cpus you have and it should work on any
> > size hardware.
> I was more focused on the general case, but all I should have to do to
> de-claw all of these sleep exploits is account rr time (only a couple of
> lines, done and building now). It's only a couple of lines.
The more you try to "de-claw" these sleep exploits the less effective you make
your precious interactive estimator. Feel free to keep adding endless tweaks
to undo the other tweaks in order to try and achieve what SD has by design.
You'll end up with an incresingly complex state machine design of
interactivity tweaks and interactivity throttlers all fighting each other to
the point where the intearactivity estimator doesn't do anything. What's the
point in that? Eventually you'll have an estimator throttled to the point it
does nothing and you end up with something far less interactive than SD which
is as interactive as fairness allows, unlike mainline.
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