From: Jose Celestino
Date: Sun Apr 08 2007 - 08:55:01 EST
Words by johnrobertbanks@xxxxxxxxxxx [Sat, Apr 07, 2007 at 09:13:32PM -0700]:
> Teddy,
> It is a pity you don't address the full set of results, when you make
> your snide comments.
> Now since you have them,... why don't you make reasoned comment about
> them.
> You can read more here:
it is not because you keep posting the same numbers over and over again
(or is this your new signature?) that they will be more substantiated
(hint: cpu usage).
Just more annoying each time.
I'll remember to use reiser4 for my
boxes. Thank you.
> .-------------------------.
> | TYPE |(secs)|USAGE|
> .-------------------------.
> |REISER4 lzo | 1938 | 278 |
> |REISER4 gzip| 2295 | 213 |
> |REISER4 | 3462 | 692 |
> |EXT2 | 4092 | 816 |
> |JFS | 4225 | 806 |
> |EXT4 | 4408 | 816 |
> |EXT3 | 4421 | 816 |
> |XFS | 4625 | 779 |
> |REISER3 | 6178 | 793 |
> |FAT32 |12342 | 988 |
> |NTFS-3g |10414 | 772 |
> .-------------------------.
> Column one measures the time taken to complete the bonnie++ benchmarking
> test (run with the parameters bonnie++ -n128:128k:0)
> Column two, Disk Usage: measures the amount of disk used to store 655MB
> of raw data (which was 3 different copies of the Linux kernel sources).
> .-------------------------------------------------.
> |File |Disk |Copy |Copy |Tar |Unzip| Del |
> |System |Usage|655MB|655MB|Gzip |UnTar| 2.5 |
> |Type | (MB)| (1) | (2) |655MB|655MB| Gig |
> .-------------------------------------------------.
> |REISER4 gzip | 213 | 148 | 68 | 83 | 48 | 70 |
> |REISER4 lzo | 278 | 138 | 56 | 80 | 34 | 84 |
> |REISER4 tails| 673 | 148 | 63 | 78 | 33 | 65 |
> |REISER4 | 692 | 148 | 55 | 67 | 25 | 56 |
> |NTFS3g | 772 |1333 |1426 | 585 | 767 | 194 |
> |NTFS | 779 | 781 | 173 | X | X | X |
> |REISER3 | 793 | 184 | 98 | 85 | 63 | 22 |
> |XFS | 799 | 220 | 173 | 119 | 90 | 106 |
> |JFS | 806 | 228 | 202 | 95 | 97 | 127 |
> |EXT4 extents | 806 | 162 | 55 | 69 | 36 | 32 |
> |EXT4 default | 816 | 174 | 70 | 74 | 42 | 50 |
> |EXT3 | 816 | 182 | 74 | 73 | 43 | 51 |
> |EXT2 | 816 | 201 | 82 | 73 | 39 | 67 |
> |FAT32 | 988 | 253 | 158 | 118 | 81 | 95 |
> .-------------------------------------------------.
> Each test was preformed 5 times and the average value recorded.
> Disk Usage: The amount of disk used to store the data (which was 3
> different copies of the Linux kernel sources).
> The raw data (without filesystem meta-data, block alignment wastage,
> etc) was 655MB.
> Copy 655MB (1): Copy the data over a partition boundary.
> Copy 655MB (2): Copy the data within a partition.
> Tar Gzip 655MB: Tar and Gzip the data.
> Unzip UnTar 655MB: UnGzip and UnTar the data.
> Del 2.5 Gig: Delete everything just written (about 2.5 Gig).
> To get a feel for the performance increases that can be achieved by
> using compression, we look at the total time (in seconds) to run the
> test:
> bonnie++ -n128:128k:0 (bonnie++ is Version 1.93c)
> .-------------------.
> .-------------------.
> |REISER4 lzo | 1938|
> |REISER4 gzip| 2295|
> |REISER4 | 3462|
> |EXT4 | 4408|
> |EXT2 | 4092|
> |JFS | 4225|
> |EXT3 | 4421|
> |XFS | 4625|
> |REISER3 | 6178|
> |FAT32 | 12342|
> |NTFS-3g |>10414|
> .-------------------.
> On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 22:56:32 -0400, "Theodore Tso" <tytso@xxxxxxx> said:
> > On Sat, Apr 07, 2007 at 05:44:57PM -0700, johnrobertbanks@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > wrote:
> > > To get a feel for the performance increases that can be achieved by
> > > using compression, we look at the total time (in seconds) to run the
> > > test:
> >
> > You mean the performance increases of writing a file which is mostly
> > all zero's? Yawn.....
> >
> > - Ted
> --
> johnrobertbanks@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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Jose Celestino
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