Re: ZFS with Linux: An Open Plea

From: John Anthony Kazos Jr.
Date: Tue Apr 17 2007 - 10:33:30 EST

> And/or why Linux code licensing can't evolve ? Seems when Linux code was
> licensed noone was thinking about case like interraction with code under
> license like CDDL so why now it can be corrected and still many people try to
> think like "anything arond Linux must evolve .. but not Linux" (?)
> Why this can't be fixes ?

That's not evolution; it's de-evolution. Linux morphing to some sort of
mentally-damaged pseudo-proprietary licence would be like switching back
to a feudal society where 50 was considered unbelievably ancient.

I'm sure Linus did think very closely about the interaction of his code
with proprietary licences. He thought about it, snickered for a few
moments, and made the right decision.
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