Re: Kernel 2.6.20+ and rt2500/rt2570 problem

From: Ben Collins
Date: Sat Apr 21 2007 - 14:45:36 EST

On Sat, 2007-04-21 at 16:18 +0200, Wiktor Wandachowicz wrote:
> Recently I tried newer releases of Linux distributions, specifically
> Sabayon Linux 3.3 and Ubuntu 7.04. Both suffer from problems with
> rt2500/rt2570 modules not being able to associate with access points.
> There are numerous problems reported Ubuntu Launchpad, Gentoo Forums
> and Sabayon Forums.
> Please, Linux kernel developers, try to help out the guys at:
> They look pretty clueless and don't know exactly what to do.
> It seems that advances in kernel to Wireless Extensions 19 broke
> their efforts somewhat.
> If possible, speed up the inclusion process of the driver into mainline
> kernel, so users won't have to be forced to do a hardware upgrade.
> Additionally, this problem prevents my machines from being upgraded from
> Ubuntu 6.10 (kernel 2.6.17) to Ubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20 I believe).

There are two modules in Ubuntu for this chipset, the rt2500 (default)
and rt2500{pci,usb}. You could try blacklisting rt2500 and use
rt2500pci. See if that helps.


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