Re: [BUG? -rc7] SMP: Just one CPU activated: P4 3GHz HT

From: Miguel Ojeda
Date: Sun Apr 22 2007 - 06:12:35 EST

On 4/22/07, oliver pinter <oliver.pntr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have ASUS P4C800, P4 3GHz HT (Nortwood), 512RAM and I have nothing errors
in my cpu.

in bios have you HT option enabled

Sure, and the hardware is fine as other kernels and other systems (as
WinXP) work fine.

or im =<2.6.21-rc7 functioniert?


The only big difference I see is that you did not set CONFIG_PREEMPT.
However, that should not matter. Any other general options are almost
the same.

(please CC linux-kernel)


Miguel Ojeda
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