How do you recover if fsfuzzer takes out a cnode in the chain? The
chunk is marked clean, but clearly corrupted and needs fixing and
you don't know what it was pointing at. Hence you have a pointer to
a trashed cnode *somewhere* that you need to find and fix, and a
bunch of orphaned cnodes that nobody points to *somewhere else* in
the filesystem that you have to find. That's a full scan fsck case,
Presumably, the cnodes in the other chunks contain forward and back
references. Those need to contain at minimum inode + generation + chunk
to avoid problem of pointing to a _different_ inode after such corruption
caused the old inode to be deleted and a new one allocated in its place.
If the cnode in each chunk is more than just a singly-linked list, the
file as a whole could survive multiple chunk corruptions, though there
would now be holes in the file.
It seems that any sort of damage to the underlying storage (e.g.
media error, I/O error or user brain explosion) results in the need
to do a full fsck and hence chunkfs gives you no benefit in this